gratitudes on empty body

Where does our mind end and our body begin?

I've been expressing my gratitudes in words for a while now. With some interruptions in between but I keep coming back to this practice, not because it's enlightening but mostly because of it's incredible power to bring me back the sensation of being in control. Writing gratitudes calls my awareness to the present moment, to what I have, am, and feel in the now. It builds this shield against the wanderings of my untamed mind (ironically tamed by everything outside of me), and guides my consciousness towards what I have in my power - the now.

Today is one of those days where my mind wants to be grateful. I've been sharing daily gratitudes with my dear friend @_hannahdancing, and I must be grateful for something! Actually, I even know the things I'm usually grateful for but today it's just hard to FEEL anything.

My mind gets confused and goes "how, how can't I feel it?"

It's one of those contraction phases, where the body feels heavy, the breath is shallow, it's hard to think or feel attached to anything, and the heart gets icy with a slow pace so that it can survive another day. At the end of the day, all I can say is that it knows. The body knows. And I'm learning too.

It will pass.






freedom in the present moment

