living the body

How much time in your life have you spent paying attention to your body?

When did you take 5 min to contemplate your beautiful physical form?

Challenging the mind to pause for a little while and saving the judgemental thinking for later, to become the observer of your own existence...

Getting in touch with the inner feeling of who you are.

How unique are your handprints?

How does it feel to be that part of you?

How does it feel to be the energy that animates your hand, offering movement through the contraction of your muscles and the structure of your bones?

Is it warm inside, comparing to the temperature outside?

Does this part of you want to be touched?

What happens in the rest of your body when your hand gently touches any other part of your body in absolute presence?

Do you feel any rush of energy moving through you? Is there any resistance or an impulse to get back?

The language of the body doesn't have right or wrong, perfection or error. Our physiology hold an ancestral wisdom and our bodies are much more than instruments.

What if we took just 5 min every day to admire our bodies as a baby admires his own feet? Committed to pure joy and curiosity...

Oh, how closer we would feel to eternety.


living the body - holding the tension of the opposites


freedom in the present moment